söndag 5 maj 2013

Internationella Barnmorskedagen idag

 Idag är det den Internationella Barnmorskedagen, och jag slöt upp i manifestationen som dagen till ära hade hjälp av en härlig sambaorkester, så vi dansade fram från Björns Trädgård på söder till Mariatorget där det hölls tal. Så härligt att få träffa andra kollegor. Tillsammans är vi starka!
Läs också vad International Federation of Gynocology and Obstetrics skriver om oss barnmorskor här :

‘Midwives key in the fight
against maternal and newborn
morbidity and mortality’
- FIGO supports International Day of the Midwife
(5 May 2013)
International Day of the Midwife - held on 5 May each
year - was originally launched by the International
Confederation of Midwives (ICM) in 1992 as a campai
gning day on which to
raise awareness of midwifery and to highlight the importance
 of midwives’
work worldwide.
The International Federation of Gynecology and Obst
etrics (FIGO) - the only
global organisation representing gynecologists and
obstetricians, with
member associations in 125 countries/territories -
strongly believes that there
are excellent reasons for obstetricians and gynecol
ogists to collaborate
closely with midwives to help strengthen midwifery.
In 2013, the Day’s theme will continue to be: ‘The
World Needs Midwives Now
More than Ever’, with the sub theme ‘Midwives Save
Lives’. As the 2015
deadline for realising the Millennium Development G
oals (MDGs) approaches,
these themes are of critical importance, particularly
 with reference to MDGs 4
and 5, ‘Reduce Child Mortality’ and ‘Improve Maternal
 Health’ respectively.
FIGO President, Professor Sir Sabaratnam Arulkumara
n, said: ‘There
continues to be an urgent global need for midwives.
They are truly invaluable,
multi-faceted healthcare professionals. Not only do
they care for women
during pregnancy, birth, and the postnatal period,
and help to manage
complications arising from these, they can offer ge
neral healthcare
information in areas such as reproductive health, f
amily planning and
immunisations, as well as assisting women with brea
stfeeding and providing
newborn care. They are also able to refer women and
newborns for higher
level care should it be needed. In essence, they are
 an absolutely essential
part of the world’s defence against maternal and newborn
 mortality and
‘Global figures are still extremely high - daily,
approximately 800 women die
from preventable causes related to pregnancy and childbirth
, with 99 per cent
of all deaths occurring in developing countries. It
is well known that providing
specialist care before, during and after childbirth
can help save lives - properly
trained and supported midwives can make all the difference.’

4 kommentarer:

  1. Å jag som trodde att du missat "din" dag;-)
    Tur att du var med och dansade fram på söders höjder!

  2. Härligt att ha en egen dag sådär! Eller egen och egen, ni var ju några stycken förstås... :-)

  3. En riktigt bra egen dag =)

  4. Klart ni ska ha en egen dag! Ni är ju underbara :)


Tack snälla du för din kommentar!